Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 8th-February 15th

First thing to write about this week is that we haven't heard from you guys and it seems that you have moved.  We were sad to hear that, but hopefully you are in a place where you can still look at the blog and hear what is happening with us and Benson. We continue to tell Benson all about you and would love to hear from you when you get a chance.

This week we have had the chance to get Benson out of the house a tiny bit more.  We are still trying to keep him in most of the time since winter time is when babies get sick and we don't want that.  But, we do try and get him out and used to running errands, going to church, spending time with family and so forth.  He is starting to smile a little bit more.  We have a few pictures of him ALMOST smiling, but we will make sure we post pictures of his cute smile as soon as we catch it on camera:).   He seems to be in his best mood first thing in the morning.  He smiles and coos and just likes to hang out.  He has started really making eye contact and will watch us as we move around the room.  He and Archie the dog are starting to be friends too.  He also has started to get baby acne pretty bad.  It's good to know he isn't completely PERFECT...oh wait, he still is:). We will try to make sure we have more pictures for you during this next week.

Daddy put Benson in this adorable outfit for church.  We had to take a ton of pictures because it was so adorable!

Mommy had just gotten out of the shower but just had to take a minute to sit and "chat" with Benson.  

He has started to grab onto his binky while sucking on it.

This was his "kind of smile".  The only thing we have caught on camera yet.

Carmen got flowers from Ben and Benson for Valentines Day.  Lucky!

Had to make sure he wore red for Valentines!